Prefabricated construction just doesn’t resolve the labour shortage challenges; it rather solves a wide range of problems for the labourers too. With prefabricated structures, workers can enjoy a climate-controlled work environment, ensured safety on the job, less travel, easier work due to automation and repeatable steps, etc. Aren’t these factors appealing to young workers who otherwise shy away from the complex and tiring construction job work? Prefabricated construction intends to not only enhance the process but also better the working conditions for labourers so that they feel safe and secure on the job.
A study by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, highlighted that construction is one of the most hazardous sectors in India, with an average of about 38 fatal accidents a day. Falls from heights, electrocutions and falling walls and scaffolding cause one in four Indian construction workers to die at construction sites.
The declining number of construction workers and the Covid-19 pandemic induced disruptions have further necessitated the construction players to find alternate ways, which not only sustain operational continuity, but also strengthen workers’ morale for sustaining harsh environments. Prefabricated construction is one such way which hits the bullseye and ensures that the dual purpose of efficiency and effectiveness is achieved all at once.
Prefabricated steel building construction alleviates the concerns associated with the labour shortage by facilitating the work to happen in factories, rather than at job sites spread across the country. In fact, prefab firms hire workers with the right skills, just like any employer, and schedule a steady stream of projects to keep them occupied.
No shortage of labour: Prefabricated building construction resolves the problem of labour shortage and the ensuing delays & quality issues that are experienced during traditional construction. As a matter of fact, thanks to lean principles and automation, prefab construction even warrants 10% less workers than traditional methods to finish the same amount of work.
Easy assembly: Prefabricated structures ensure that the work of assembling the structure at the site gets easier. As the modules are assembled at the factory, they just need to be installed onsite, entailing less labour requirements during the installation while the machines are performing redundant tasks for them.
Safety: The factories used for prefab offer a controlled and secure environment to workers. With less exposure to the elements or elevated work areas, firms are in a position to offer a safer working environment for professionals. With prefabricated buildings, workers no longer have to deal with severe weather conditions or risky locations. There is also less pressure to perform onsite when weather conditions are precarious.
All these aspects clearly point that prefab construction can help create a better environment for workers and potentially attract new workers into the industry. By assembling buildings inside a controlled environment, many delays and last-minute changes can be averted. This entails proper work hours for employees, which is always what they often struggle with. Additionally, processes are fully tested and outlined for workers to ensure that safety is always a priority.
Prefab construction can help alleviate the labour crisis from the start and deliver quality buildings every time. Steelion envisions offering such a safe & sound working environment to construction workers through its technologically sound working ethos where they not just feel safe but are also satisfied in the operations they perform. Steelion believes in making construction a preferred place to work for the coming generations.